
Prosecution Case Details

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19 February 2014

In February 2014, ROYAL INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP (CHINA) CO., LIMITED (CR No. : 1353535) was prosecuted by the Companies Registry and convicted at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts of an offence under section 93(1)(a) of the Companies Ordinance, Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong, for its continuous* failure to paint or affix, and keep painted or affixed, the name of the company on the outside of the office or place in which its business is carried on, in a conspicuous position, in legible characters for 423 days from 11 January 2012 to 8 March 2013. The company was convicted and fined $15,690.

*Note: The company had previously been convicted and fined $6,600 on 19 September 2012 for committing the same offence for the period from 30 November 2011 to 10 January 2012.

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