Ms Michelle LI, JP, the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) (PSFS), paid a visit to the Registry on 22 November 2019. PSFS, accompanied by Ms Winnie NG, Deputy Secretary (Financial Services)3; Mr TE Chi-wang, Principal Assistant Secretary (Financial Services)6; and Miss Jeanne FUNG, Assistant Secretary (Financial Services)(6)1 first met with Ms Ada CHUNG, Registrar of Companies, and other members of the Management Board of the Registry. She then visited the Public Search Division and Companies Formation and Deregistration Division, two major operational Divisions of the Registry which are responsible for the provision of company search services and the incorporation and de-registration of local companies respectively. PSFS met with frontline staff. Colleagues of the Registry also demonstrated to PSFS the workflow on company incorporation and the various functions of the Cyber Search Centre for the search of company information.
Ms Michelle LI, JP, the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) (front row, third left), Ms Ada CHUNG, Registrar of Companies (front row, third right), Ms Winnie NG, Deputy Secretary (Financial Services)3 (front row, second left), Mr TE Chi-wang, Principal Assistant Secretary (Financial Services)6 (front row, first left), Ms Ellen CHAN, Deputy Principal Solicitor (front row, second right), Miss Wendy MA (front row, first right), Miss Jeanne FUNG, Assistant Secretary (Financial Services)(6)1 (back row, first left) and other Members of Management Board (back row, first to fourth right)
Ms Michelle LI, JP, the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) (upper photo: third right, lower photo: second right), listening to a colleague’s explanation of the workflow of processing an application for company incorporation.